Molly couldn't help but give a smile at Adrian's reply to her suddle flirting with him, looking at him from the corner of her eye. His words answering a personal question that she had been wondering, but wasn't going to ask herself. After all she wasn't like the sirens or succubae, she wouldn't come right out and ask someone she barely knew to her bed, not with everyone else around anyway. She didn't have time to say anything about his reply before the teacher came in. DuPage wasn't anyone that had been Molly's teacher before, though she had seen him around before. She did have a slight problem with Skinwalkers though. Either way it didn't take her long to seriously wonder if she would hate this class as much as thought she would. After all creation truly was the most boring part of history, starting on the wars would be much more interesting. She glanced at Adrian when he spoke to her, and nodded. "I suppose so, if you like skinwalkers." She answered quietly. The way he said interesting made her a little skeptical of how good Adrian was, Azrael had said he was good at his job when Molly had seen him before they met. However, no one had even thought of corrupting a teacher. Either he was foolishly going to get caught as soon as he got here, or he was really good enough to pull off getting a teacher on their side. "Be careful, Adrian. If you are thinking what I think you are." She warned her voice sounding serious suddenly. Because if the arch mage were to get involved, she wouldn't be able to clean up his mess like she could with the students. Soon the class was ending and Molly headed off to her next class. --- Logan chuckled as Billie pouted, a smirk on his face. Honestly he wasn't quite sure how many of his shirts she had stolen. Either from truth or dare, from the few times they played strip poker, hell even he got wasted and took them off willingly, but he didn't doubt that she had a collection by now. "You have more of my shirts than I do, B." He said shaking his head still laughing. Logan nodded when she said that she would send one by Clary, before looking back and Morgan paying attention. He frowned at the board and opened his book for the first time, having no idea what exception souls he wrote on the board were. He glanced at Billie and sighed. "I can promise that I will watch my back. But not that I won't try to beat his ass if he gives me a reason." He said to her looking back down at his book. It was the best she would get from him at this point. It seemed like Morgan had it out for them today, though they had been talking the whole class, so he guessed it was fair. He listened as Billie explained exception souls to the class. Perhaps tomorrow Morgan would remember this and not keep trying to make them look stupid. He smirked a little at what she said about PE. "Not that you'll get much of a chance. We both know gym is the place I'm without a doubt always the domanite of us." He said with a cocky grin. --- Finally third period was over and it was time for PE. As soon Logan saw the dodge balls lined down the middle of the gym he smiled. If there was any class that Logan had a chance to excel in, it would be PE. It being the only class that relayed on speed and strength instead of knowledge. Not to mention that Long was good at keeping things fair. Logan grined being picked first and stood beside Clary, Heather standing beside him. Though when Clary made her next picks, both he and Heather gave her a look, though the one from Heather was for a different reason than Logan. "Really? Jackie? Are we trying to lose, love?" Heather said frowning a little bit. Knowing how bad Jackie was at sports, as she had a habit of running from dodge balls instead of throwing them. Molly and Devin ended up on their team as well. Jordyn gave a small smile herself when Cole picked her, usually she was picked last even though she was good at this game. Standing beside Alex, she glanced up at him, before watching g the rest of the team get picked. A few of the other UnSeelie ending up their team along with Amber. When everyone rushed to the balls Jordyn took a small step back, everyone always went for the balls first, and she wasn't near as fast as the others standing on her feet. She was allowed to use her powers, so like the others faes in the class were already, she let her wings out. The black see through wings hardly visible, the only sigh that she was flying was that her feet weren't quite touching the hard floor. As Clary was getting Justin out, Jackie hurled her ball at Alex however, it missed him and almost hit Jordyn, who caght it and made her the second person out. Logan looked back at the guy that who had attacked him convulse on the floor with a smirk, enjoying seeing Billies punishment. Though he couldn't watch for very long, as Alex's fire ball missed Devin and came extremely close to hitting him. He stoped smirking at Alex a little bit because he missed him, and moved back to the front. Looking at Devin, Logan nodded towards Billie. Devin smiled nodding before throwing a ball at Billie purposely missing, Logan throwing his ball quickly at Billie getting her out.