[quote=Kurisa] Kaizo had remained asleep for the entire night without any real issue...or any real dream...he wasn't really one to have dreams but when morning finally came his eyes slowly opened and he sat up straight away then stretched and yawned a little then rubbed his eyes Kaizo looked over to Rio to see if she was still asleep or not but if she was then he'd likely try go and take a quick wash so he was all ready for the day ahead [/quote] [u]Rio Okotaru Darishimo[/u] Since Rio had gotten little to no sleep the night before, she was already up and ready for the day. She had already washed Kaizo's and her own clothes, neatly folding Kaizo's clothes and placing them besides the futon for him, as well as freshened up and took a shower. At the moment of Kaizo's waking, Rio had already made breakfast for the both of them. The table was neatly set up with Kaizo's breakfast since she had long since ate her own. Turning at the sound of Kaizo's movement, Rio smiled. [b]"Good morning, how did you sleep? And I hope you don't mind meeting a friend of mine in a moment, when you're ready"[/b] She turned back to finish washing up and stacking away the clean cutlery, plates and crockery.