[@Theodora_21][@MissCapnCrunch] Another day....another dollar. Rolling up to the diner's parking lot came a black escalade with Blake and chrome spinning rims, bumping a heavy beat from the music blasting on the inside...a little three 6 mafia, bone thugs n harmony, a bit of Biggie and tupac. The door opened up with a size 15 shoe touching the ground and this massive man emerging out as some of the people who had a window seat looked and noticed [i]'damn...that's a big motha fucka!'[/i]. It was the typical look Big Zeke got. He was an intimidating figure especially from the Block 66 gang. No one fucked with him unless you were either brave or very stupid. Walking in and making his way to the counter, Zeke could overhear the trucker trying to hit on Toni while he passed by and sat at the counter waiting on her. When she turned and told him whatever he wanted was on the house. This was usually the case and she always was willing to hook him up with free food but since Toni was always good to him, he always left her a little something something on the counter that amounted to a hundred dollars just so he'd look out for her. He retorts to her comment "aight...is dat ass included too? Or I gotta give extra for dat?" He said with half a smirk looking on at her. "is that motha fucka over there bothering you, lil ma?" Pointing to the trucker who was trying to flirt with Toni. Big Zeke's phone started ringing as he looked down and saw it was boss lady on the screen "Hold on ma, boss lady callin...*taps the answer button* yeah?" He answered Theo...