[@Grombus] It'd probably be really hard to do so given the fact that it's designed to generate and withstand electricity, which actually quite hot, especially when you get it to the point where you're generating electric arcs, which is when the electricity is plainly visible in plasma form. It'd be pretty hard to get it to melt seeing as plasma in and on itself is mind bogglingly hot. To give you a good example of how hot we're talking; a lightning flash can generate five times the amount of heat generated by the surface of the sun in the very brief moment that it flashes. While Dimitri's weapon isn't quite generating full on bolts of lightning, it's still pretty safe to say that the weapon gets incredibly hot simply by generating plasma in a visible state, and is therefore treated to withstand heat. tl;dr- Not unless you're able to generate enough heat to rival a lightning bolt, though at that point you'd kill Dimitri simply by being near him.