Edits 'might' happen before the night's over, I got a bit distracted, but it is mostly complete. NOTE! My profile is likely to contain spoilers about the game 'Undertale', which apparently many people will encourage you 'not' to encounter if you can help it... Just warning everyone, though I will 'try' to keep em down a bit. :D [@Grey Star] [Hider=Undyne] *Name: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN0LZ-ijXrA]Undyne[/url], The Heroine that NEVER gives up! *Universe: Undertale *Appearance: [hider=Imagescription] Though it is not made clear how tall Undyne is, Judging by the main character not being a freaking 'infant', and Undyne, along with many of the other characters funny enough, being seeming close to Twice the main character's height, I will be assuming that she is 'very tall'... lets say, around 7-8 feet range. [img]http://img15.deviantart.net/ad91/i/2015/266/c/2/undyne_by_starosis-d9aog8q.png[/img] [hider=her helmet][img]http://img02.deviantart.net/8dfc/i/2015/267/a/5/09_24_15_captain_of_the_guard_by_astarothathros-d9asg0y.png[/img][/hider] [/hider] *Personality: She is a strong willed and Confident warrior, Well trained Captain of the Royal Guard, and... A shameless Weeb, even if she has no idea what that word means. Thanks to a friend of hers, she has a deep fascination with Anime, and things related to it, Explosions, unrealistic feats of strength, Giant robots or other mechanized things, so on and so forth, and she also adores... well, not so much 'showing off' her strength, as simply never holding back. She has a very gung-ho and unrestrained out-look on life, whether it's punching tomato's and using a spear to cook, or demolishing an entire house by throwing an enemy through it, Hot-blooded is a great way to describe this Fish chick. That said, she also bears a deep seated desire to protect anyone she calls friend, as well a strong adoration for the king who trained her, and will pretty much never back-down from a challenge, short of being dragged away... or for the sake of someone weaker than her who doesn't deserve to be caught in the inevitably gloriously destructive crossfire. *Powers/Skills: [hider=powers] Energy Spears - She is able to summon an indeterminate number of energy spears, able to wield them either by hand, or remote guide them, even dozens at a time. [Note, whether or not they can be modified in size, shape, and ability to explode or not is up to the GM!] Soul power - As a monster, she has the ability to claim the souls of humans, and possibly other creatures, to gain a massive boost in power, and possibly other benefits. This, however, requires her to come out victorious in a soul battle, which may or may not even be possible in this new world, and likewise risks her own soul should she lose. Determination - As one of the few monsters naturally possessing determination, She is a miraculously difficult to kill monster, and with sufficient purpose behind that determination, can easily shrug off normally fatal wounds, and is even capable of entering a desperate last stand as 'Undyne the Undying', granting herself a drastic increase in her already comical strength... Whether or not she can survive this long enough for someone to keep her from dissolving into a puddle of goo, is far from a certainty though. [hider=image] [img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/5b9c/th/pre/f/2015/291/7/2/undyne_the_undying_by_gannadene-d9dkafs.jpg[/img] [/hider] Soul Resonance? - This may or may not be a real power, or a colorful interpretation of her own determination borne of her anime obsession. During heated battles against evil things or when the fates of friends are at stake, she often refers to being able to feel their hearts beating in sync, as if there is some form of connection between them all that lets her feel empowered... Whether or not it actually 'gives' her any power, or just inspires her beyond all reason, is a point of uncertainty. [/hider] [hider=skills] Ridiculous Strength - Seriously, the chick Suplexes giant boulders, just because she can! http://i.ytimg.com/vi/WN0LZ-ijXrA/maxresdefault.jpg No but seriously, She is strong enough to shatter boulders with her bare fists, wear full plate armor with little encumbrance, and leap obscenely high or long distances [STRONG JUMP! HAHAH!] in addition to falling those distances without hurting herself, All without sacrificing basic flexibility [though the plate armor can get in the way of that.] Intense Training - Having spent a number of years training under the monster king himself to become the captain of the Royal Guard, She has a great deal of experience in the variety of things expected of one at such a rank, including magical and physical offense and defense, though the majority of her magical defenses are inherent or built into her armor. As the Captain, she also needed some form of leadership experience. Claws and teeth - Have you SEEN those chompers?! This chick could probably take yer arm off!... To be more serious, She has claws and teeth which, as a monster royal guard, she is most likely adept at making use of where relevant. [/hider] *Brief Bio: I'll just... link this wiki page here http://undertale.wikia.com/wiki/Undyne So it's all up to the reader if they want to spoil themselves that far. *Equipment: NONE! Aside from her Royal Guard armor holding various enchantments to add to her durability, she doesn't fucking NEED any equipment! Who needs help to 'throw' heavy objects that explode?! Pansies! That's who!... Though, she would 'love' to get her hands on a giant mecha or some kind of comically anime like weaponry! *Others: She also has a love and great skill as a cook... somehow! though it often ends in destruction even when it does make something good. [/hider]