Meesei kept a tight hold on Leaps in case the sudden crowd of people caused him any distress. Luckily, he seemed to have more curiosity than fear. "Black Marsh? It is my homeland, a place often considered impenetrable by other races. It is hot at all times of the year and, as the name would imply, is covered mostly in thick swamps. Argonians like myself find it comfortable, but most other races can have a difficult time surviving, at least in the deep marshes. However, along the outside, there are cities that anyone can live in relatively easily. Luckily for lycans, we are entirely immune to the diseases that make it so dangerous. But, in the depths of the swamps, there are great and powerful creatures which would pose a challenge for any hunter. A wamasu like Leaps is one such creature. As an adult, he will be...probably as long as two wagons put together, with scales tougher than a werecrocodile and the ability to shoot lightning, almost like a magic-user." Meesei added some more dramatic details to her description of her homeland, for the entertainment of her audience. She found that younger individuals tended to appreciate story-like tales, even those based in reality. Meesei of course noticed when Sabine was scratched, and where she was looking at the time. Caleb had arrived, though it did not seem like he had noticed them yet. Meesei had been wanting to check on how he had been faring for some time, but she recognized that now was not the time for any sort of direct line of questioning. Given their conversation before arriving at the pool, Sabine could potentially want to speak to him, and Meesei had to let her handle it herself. --- Ahnasha was silent, looking down and staring into her half-empty cup. There was no miracle cure that Najirra could offer them, though perhaps it had been unreasonable to expect that. However, he was insistent that they were treatable, that they would not have to live with this for the rest of their days. No matter how much of the pain was left over, even just having it reduced would be a blessing. "I am already scarred. I have a...gaping wound in my mind that just won't heal. Every time I tough it, it just delivers a piercing pain, then grows even wider. There is no way it could get any worse, so I trust that whatever you want to do, you'll at least make it better. Even if it isn't cured, a treatment is [i]something[/i]" Ahnasha answered. --- "Yes, I really, really am." Kaleeth answered, stopping in the middle of the hallway with Janius. She turned him to face her and lightly placed her hands on his sides. "You see how adorable and lively and just...happy children are. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to have one? Haven't you ever wanted to raise a son or daughter of your own, to have a family? You would be a great father. You are so kind and loving, and I just saw how good you are with them. Please, I think it would make both of us happy." She asked, her tone bordering on pleading. They had walked away from the thickest of the crowds, though there still were a few people around in the hallway. She did not know her way around this part of the ruin, though she honestly did not care how many people were around to hear.