[center][h2]Feera al' Naja[/h2][/center] [center][b]Where : Cait Sith Capital City <>[/b] [i]Who : [@Jasonhero] Agni Ormr[/i][/center] [color=8dc73f]"That sort of division is fine with me. As long as these things go through the guildmasters I don't see why a separation of labor isn't a good idea."[/color] Feera spoke slowly and with a more confident air than normal. It had taken only an hour or so for the meeting, but with each passing moment, with each look of approval and assenting nod she could feel herself growing more and more into her elected position. From here on out others would be counting on her to make the right decisions, she owed it to all Cait Sith's to do her best. [color=8dc73f]That settles the matter then. Agni will be placed in charge of our military forces.[/color] Rising from the table Feera swept her hand outwards in an easy motion, producing the game's player interface. A few quick button presses later had the digital command list for the race leader pulled up. With this Feera could immediately make the decisions of their little council a race wide announcement. [color=8dc73f]"As first Grand Conveyor of the Cait Siths I, Feera al' Naja, make my first act as leader to be to put this legislative charter into immediate action!"[/color] No sooner had the words left her lips than each member of the council receive a personal, race-wide message containing the complete details of their race's legislative practices. [color=8dc73f]"With that settled I believe it would be wise to adjourn for today."[/color] Feera made a nod of acknowledgement towards the other guildmasters before turning to Agni and motioning for him to follow. The flight away from the inn and towards the voting hall was quick enough, only about a minute or so of flight time through the brisk night sky. As they approached Feera reigned herself in, slowing to a hover in the air above the massive building. [color=8dc73f]"What do you think Agni? Since the voting's over we have no more use for this hall, why not make it into our government headquarters?"[/color] Feera intentionally avoided the term 'palace', as she felt that might be too strong a descriptor despite the fact that this was what she was imaging for the building's future. [color=8dc73f]"I'll be busy handling the guildmasters and extending notices to other races. Can you oversee the construction here?"[/color] It would be a time-consuming task, though not necessarily a difficult one. [color=8dc73f]"In addition, I'd like you to go into town and start gathering capable players. I want you to form an officer corp made up of higher-level players. As time goes on we'll work on distributing these players out to various areas so they can form defensive militias."[/color] As a race that wasn't heavy towards combat the creation of a national army simply felt too extreme. Small groups of people coming together as part-time militias meant that the government wouldn't have to shoulder the heavy burden of paying for a national defense force while still keeping its people safe. Swiveling mid-air Feera turned to face her companion, eyes alight with both inspiration and self-doubt. [color=8dc73f]"Can you do these things for me, Agni?"[/color]