[center][h1][color=#F52887]Sarah Rivera[/color][/h1] [color=#157DEC]"I'll love you forever, even after you're dead"[/color][/center] [color=#157DEC] Her light blue eyes watched the man, [i]Hunter[/i], closely as he retrieved an unknown tiny package of preserved meat from his large backpack. She stood within the kitchen and tried to hide the smile that formed on her supple lips when he realized that his sausage presentation was...lacking. She avoided from stating the clever yet extremely dirty-minded joke that was obviously present and moved her hand to hide the smile of amusement as he once again began to forage through his backpack. She was surprised when he pulled out an almost empty package of hot chocolate and looked to her in question. [i]Poor guy.[/i] He must have had to push his way through the center of the city, to have truly survived the horrors that await her if she left this apartment. If he had to scavenge and accept forcing himself to eat almost inedible foods, the walker situation was far worse than she had ever let herself fear. Worry creased her forehead as an awful realization of reality hit her. It had been over two weeks since her husband left....two weeks when he promised to return in two days. There was a big possibility that he wasn't coming back. Gulping, she pushed that nightmare aside, trying hard to mask her immediate flood of anxiety-filled emotions. Sarah waltzed toward the man, attempted to grab the pathetic excuse for food from where he had cut it, then tossed it quickly into the trash. [b]"You're my guest."[/b] Turning to the fridge, she opened it to show him the contents which consisted of milk, cheese, butter, and eggs, along with an assortment of condiments and drinks. It wasn't much. She had feared the electricity would fail and concentrated more on hoarding canned goods and foods that didn't require refrigeration. [b]"Why don't you help yourself? You must be starving."[/b] She grabbed a Smirnoff and twisted the lid off, tossing it towards the trash. Sarah missed her target, and the metal lid clinked loudly on the floor. She took a drink to help calm her nerves, then proceeded to take a seat at the bar/counter which faced the kitchen and separated it from the living room. [b]"You can have anything you like."[/b] She took another swig and watched him once again, her eyes masked as she continued to mentally tell herself to not dwell on the negative thoughts that attempted to consume her, right at that very moment. [@Remipa Awesome] [/color]