Trunks nodded in assent as Mizuki prepared her stepper box. "Not a problem. I'm going to have a quick look around before I head down. I should be able to catch up with you there." He had to shield his eyes a bit, as she teleported away. The glare of a stepper box being used was still something he hadn't gotten used to. He had a quick look around the hallway. Aside from Agent Leadtrim, there wasn't a sign of anyone. Trunks was about to investigate the ship, when he heard a ringing from his jacket. Trunks pulled out an old, re-purposed scouter that his mother gave him. To be honest, Trunks's knowledge of energy sensing made it nothing more then an expensive communicator, but Trunks didn't really have anything else to use as one when he left. It served as a nice memento too. Regardless, Trunks fitted the scouter to his ear, and opened communications. "This is agent Trunks," he responded to the scientist. "I'm heading down to the planet now, but my communications should stay intact. Please fill me in on what's going on." Trunks prepared his stepper box, not too concerned about Leadtrim. He would follow when he wanted. As the stepper box was activated, though, Trunks had a thought. "Wait a minute, did you say gho..." The stepper box cut him off. Crap baskets. Trunks found himself on the island slightly away from Mizuki. As he gathered up his stepper box and get a look around, he suddenly felt energy welling up below him. Trunks reacted by leaping into the air, focusing his ki to keep himself suspended in mid-air. Trunks looked down to see several now confused looking figures clawing out of the ground. Trunks fired a few ki blasts down to discourage them, and flew off. Trunks saw some sort of facility in front of him. It was there most of the energy was coming from, and he sensed Mizuki heading in another direction. Trusting she could handle herself, Trunks flew off towards the odd looking facility, and transmitted to the scientist. "Alright, I'm on the ground. Mind filling me in while I get moving?"