[center][b][color=f26522][h2]Nori Inuzaka[/h2][/color][/b][/center] [color=f26522][b]"Come on Mame this is not funny!"[/b][/color] Nori bent down to his dog, attempting to grab the scroll that was now lodged in his mouth. Mame dodged the hand of Nori and ran under the legs of his owner, running for a few more meters before turning around and dropping the scroll to the ground. Barking a couple times, Mame nudged the scroll with his nose, causing the scroll to roll a few inches. [color=f26522][b]"Mame, please... if you were to ever listen to me do it now. I need that scroll, it is very important that you stop and give it to me."[/b][/color] Mame stared back at Nori, and took the scroll back in mouth before walking over to his owner. [color=f26522][b]"Thank you! For once you listen to me!"[/b][/color] Nori bent down to grab the scroll and pet his dog, Nori was not surprised one bit when Mame attempted to flee another time. The dog started to back peddle away from Nori, before turning around and starting to run a little bit more. Nori was expecting his dog to betray him and dove after him, catching him by the sides of his body. Nori stood up with Mame in his hands, and put the dog up so they were looking face to face. [color=f26522][b]"Drop the scroll now please. There is nothing more you can do."[/b][/color] Nori held Mame in one hand, while he stuck his free hand under the scroll in the dogs mouth. [color=f26522][b]"Mame come on. I really need this scroll and I can't have you tearing it up with those teeth of yours."[/b][/color] The dog stared back at Nori for a couple seconds before dropping the scroll so it landed in Nori's hand. [color=f26522][b][b]"Thank you Mame, now was it that hard to listen?[/b]"[/b][/color] Nori bent down and let Mame go before petting his dog on the head for a bit. Nori then stood all the way back up and opened the scroll, reading what it had to say. [i]All of your hard work and struggles have paid off. I'm so proud of how far you've come, but now it's time to see how much farther you can take yourself. You've been assigned to Squad 13 and will meet your Sensei and new teammates in the Academy classroom corresponding to the Squad number you've been assigned. I hope I can count on you to excel and do your best. The village needs you. Best of Luck, Tsunade[/i] [u] [/u] Nori had made his way to the academy, walking around the very familiar building attempting to find the room that held his future teammates and sensei. [color=f26522][i]'Eleven.... Twelve.... Ah, Thirteen.'[/i][/color] Nori was counting the room numbers in his head, making sure he had the right room number, Nori looked down to his scroll and read it over again. [color=f26522][b]"Yeah... Thirteen alright, that's the correct number."[/b][/color] Nori put the scroll back in his pocket, before bending down to look Mame in the eyes. [color=f26522][b]"You have to listen to me on this one, please be on your best behavior. None of the barking loudly to annoy people, no biting people on the ankles, and especially no going bathroom while indoors. Can you listen to me on that?"[/b][/color] Mame stared back at his owner, tail wagging back and forth while giving him a bark. Nori gave him a simple grin and pat on the head before opening the door and seeing his two fellow teammates already sitting down at desks. The first one that Nori noticed was Seiji Onoda, a student who had all sorts of animal jutsus at his disposal just like Nori. The word around the academy was Seiji was a tough person that did not take crap from anybody. Nori had never spoke to him, so he wouldn't know off first hand experience, but what Nori knew off first hand experience was that Seiji was a very excellent fighter. The other student that was in the class was Daichi Uchiha, a student that beared the famous Uchiha name was sure to be a reliable ally but not only did he have the name, the word around the academy was that he was the heir of the family. Nori knew that since he was a Uchiha he would be taught the jutsus of the family, very formidable techniques that made Nori relieved he was on his team and not his enemy. Nori looked at both of the students before giving them a small smile, then looking to the front of the room. [color=f26522][b]"Sensei not here yet or what?"[/b][/color] Nori bent down and grabbed Mame off the ground and walked over to a empty desk not too far from the other two. Nori set Mame on the table of the desk before sitting down on the seat and looking back to the students.