[color=f49ac2][i]“From what the clock says, it seems that I’m about five minutes earlier than everyone else.”[/i][/color] Mao's head canted towards the ticking clock on the backwall, glazed golden eyes idling upon it for a few moments before formulating his response. [color=662d91]"So you are. . ."[/color] The elder ninja didn't have a chance to finish his sentence as, mid-utterance, a third figure entered the academy classroom in a startling way. Taibushi made his appearance in the classroom in something of a tumble, bumping into his new squad mate Asuka along the way. For his part Mao did nothing and merely observed the spectacle, the edges of his lips pulling upwards as he chuckled. A perfectionist and an oaf along with their lazy mentor, his squad was shaping up to be even more of a success than he'd originally imagined. Mao waited for his two genin to disentangle themselves before continuing, this time swiveling around the back side of the sensei's desk that seemed to dominate the middle-section of the classroom, taking a seat before once again kicking the furniture back on two legs. [color=662d91]"Well, at least two of you are here so we might as well begin. When the straggler comes I'll just have you two fill him in, explaining a second time would take too much effort."[/color] [color=662d91]"As you've no doubt deduced I'm to be your new instructor. My name is Mao of the Kagami clan and I'm quite pleased to meet both of you. Before becoming your instructor I served as part of an interrogation squad."[/color] The Jonin paused momentarily to reach his hand around for the underside of one of the utility vests' pockets. With a flick of his nimble finger the pocket's flap was opened and a trio of small lollipops were produced. [color=662d91]"I figured we might as well start off on the right foot, candy?"[/color] He offered one to each of his new trainees, continuing regardless of whether or not they accepted the token. [color=662d91]"Well then, now that you know a little about me lets hear what you have to say about yourselves. Why did you decide to join the academy? What was your inspiration for becoming a ninja?"[/color] There was a pause. [color=662d91]"Actually, that might take too much time. . ."[/color]