The door slammed, in walked an angry Dennis. Theo rolled her eyes [i]looks like the brat isn't getting his way again[/i] She thought. Just as Dennis closed the door to his office, she opened the freezer door. No ice cream. [i]Damn. Maybe I should start restricting what these leeches eat. [/i] The slightly annoyed Theo was just about to give up the phone call on Zeke when she heard the ringing stop and his deep voice answer the phone. "I take it everything went well this morning?" She asked as she crossed over to Dennis' office. She ignored the thee body guards and tap on the door before letting herself in. She held up a finger to indicate she wanted to talk with Dennis, but she needed to finish her phone call. "If it did, perfect, pick up some ice cream before you come back to the house. If not, I need details"