[hider=Fio'Ui. Finished.] Name: Fio'Ui Fi'Rios Gal'leath (Fio'Ui to new people. Gal'leath to friends) Age: 23 Tau'cyr's Gender: Male Race: Tau Fio (Earth Caste) Religion: Tau'va (The Greater Good) Appearance: Fio'Ui Fi'Rios Gal'leath seems to almost be a stereotypical image of a Fio caste Engineer/Researcher. Fio'Ui stands rather tall for a member of the Fio caste with a pair of broad, strong shoulder to top off a stronger body frame that only thousands of years of selective breeding can achieve. While physically stocky and stout enough to handle the straining workload of manual labor, Fio'Ui's talents in engineering and researching alien technologies are where he serves the Tau'va and thus he is not [i]as[/i] physically fit as those who have dedicated themselves fully to the physical duties that the Tau'va requires. Back home Fio'Ui tended to wearing clothing of Tau make that were simplistic and basic but highly functional and well taken care of, but since he was 'borrowed' from his home Sept by a passing Rogue Trader he has been forced to adopt Gue'la attire into his wardrobe. Fio'Ui shaves his head regularly so that only a single scalp lock remains, decorated with two plainly decorated ringlets. His eyes are a dark red to contrast his dark blue skin, a shallow line running down from his forehead to where a Gue'la's nose would be. Personality: Raised from birth to understand and believe in the values of the Tau'va, Fio'Ui knows with all of his heart that in a galaxy filled with barbarians, darkness and backwards superstitions that the Tau will enlighten the galaxy with the light of the Tau'va and that it is the duty of every member of the Tau Empire regardless of Caste, Sept or Species to aid in spreading the light of the Tau'va as far as possible. A natural optimist (The unenlightened may dare to call him naive), Fio'Ui is one of those people that tries to look on the bright side of a given situation no matter how bad it might actually be. Inquisitive by nature, when Fio'Ui encounters the unknown and new (normally in the form of alien technology) he allows his desire to understand and uncover its secrets a great deal of leeway in order to sate his curiosity to the benefit of the Tau Empire. History: ((OOC Note: Due to the nature of Tau names and how they evolve, I will just be referring to Fio'Ui as Fio'Ui even through his name would have changed as it grew up to avoid confusion.)) Born into the Fio caste on the recently established Sept world of Fi'Rios, Fio'Ui was raised alongside the other children of the Fio caste and given an education in both the Tau'va and the skills required so that he could serve it to his fullest potential regardless of where his talents turned out to be. As he grew older and was introduced to the different variety of classes and skills, Fio'Ui found that he had a talent for engineering and research, which started him on the path of the engineer proper. In time, Fio'Ui found himself working on a research team that investigated and when possible reversed engineered alien technology. This was a role that Fio'Ui excelled at, even if his successes were limited by the fact that most of the alien technology was that of the Be'gel (Orks) that had inhabited Fi'Rios before they were purged and the planet colonized. One day a voidship of a Rogue Trader visited the planet, offering business and trading opportunities. One such opportunity was several strange pieces of ancient alien technology that the Trader wanted to be brought back into working order which was offered to Fio'Ui... after he had awoken with a splitting headache on board the Traders ship [i]after[/i] it had left Fi'Rios. Once he had adjusted to having been abducted, Fio'Ui began work on the alien relic with a team made up of humans with the odd alien who was given a similar [i]offer[/i] like the one he was given. Things very quickly started to get... weird. Those around him working on the devices started to change and not for the better... Some of them started to witness visions or see things...disturbing things. It's a horrifying thing to watch a Gue'la claw out their own eyes with their finger nails before biting off their tongue and drowning in their own blood while screaming in some painful, alien tongue that didn't seemed to be designed for a Gue'la's body to physically speak. Others started to mutate at an almost unheard of rate, the most astonding and disturbing of which was an arm growing out of a man's chest and being full grown and functional within [i]minutes[/i]! Those afflicted with the mutations or visions and didn't kill themselves were taken away by the Trader's men at arms and never seen again. The relics were clearly the cause of the insanity and mutations, but how they were doing it was a complete da'noh to Fio'Ui and that bothered him. He suspected that the relics gave off some sort of radiation or strange energy signature that poisoned and mutated those around them. Some of the Gue'la muttered things about demons and '[i]Chaos[/i]' as the cause under their breaths but Fio'Ui would not be swayed by superstitious mambo jumbo. He knew in his heart that for the safety of the Empire he could never return to Tau space. He had been exposed to whatever was causing the mental degradation and mutations just as long, if not longer then most on the ship and just because he hadn't exhibited any side effects or signs of infection didn't mean that he wasn't as tainted by it as the Gue'la whom had clawed out his own eyes. Whatever it was could not be allowed to reach and infect the Empire. But there could be more relics and technology like this out there and the rest of the Empire didn't know about it... For the Tau'va, Fio'Ui swore to uncover as many of the secrets of these strange relics as possible with what time he had left so that he could send the information gathered back to Tau space so that they might be educated and warned about the dangers of this strange tech before more Tau encounter it. While the Gue'la seemed to be filled with backwards superstitions, the fact that there seemed to be numerous cults across a number of planets that worshiped this strange and poisonous energy suggested that these sorts of things were wide spread and only somewhat uncommon... For the Tau'va, answers had to be found where they could and Fio'Ui was going to pursue this knowledge with his dying breath! Skills: Tau Engineering: A lifetime of being trained to be an engineer. Research/reverse engineer Alien technology: While he hasn't had as much of a chance to practice this as he would like, Fio'Ui does seem to have a knack for it. Science Minor: While not as adept as someone whom has completely dedicated themselves to this field, Fio'Ui does have a working knowledge of various scientific fields in relation to his engineering. Equipment: His Engineering tools: Most are of Tau make, but there have been some human additions added on recently. Two sets of plain but sturdy clothing. Misc: In order to unwind and distress after a long days work, Fio'Ui likes to listen to a wide range of music depending on his mood. [/hider] And he is finished.