[i][b]Selene[/b][/i] Her limbs felt strange, they felt heavy as if she was in a pool of quicksand which was slowly engulfing her whole. The loud cries of the students in the background did little to nothing to calm her rabidly beating heart of the seventeen year old. [i]What is going on? I just want to go home. I just want...[/i] “ [b]Wait, where are we going?[/b]” She was certain that Alex had said something before, now he was gone. He couldn't have disappeared too? [i]Home! I want to go home! Mom..Dad, please...[/i] Her hands rose to her face, with a quick motion, the two met against the flesh of her cheeks with a loud slap, jolting the teen to wake. Her head snapped up, staring straight at Nathan. " There is nothing. We are on our own," she spoke calmly to the Nathan. Selene made her way out the classroom, leaving all of her belongings behind. The hall was empty expect for a few loitering students. Pieces of broken glass crunched with each step she took. " The best thing we can do right now is wait. I need to go home and just..." Her blue eyes stop at the entrance of the school for the first time, and it stop the blonde beauty cold. Damage was widespread, sections of the streets filled with mischief students, and numerous cars suffered irreparable damage with drivers no where to be found. " I guess driving is out of the question?"