[center][h1]Agni Ormr[/h1] [b]Where: Cait Sith Capital City <>[/b] Who: [@Izaka Sazaka] Feera al'Naja[/center] Agni listened to Feera speak and watched as the race wide announcement finished on the pop-up screen in front of him. The boy smiled to himself, he had gotten a position of power over the military. Good, that meant he now had the ability to ensure Feera's safety, that of his race, and (most importantly) he now had the ability to see this death game to the end. He could escape from this hell. Perhaps one day he would meet up with his friends from this world on the outside, he certainly wouldn't mind meeting Feera out there; she had become his single best friend during their month here. He only hoped she returned the same feeling for him. So when she beckoned for him to follow her, Agni did not hesitate in the slightest. As the boy spread his wings to take flight after Feera he heard a loud thump and a low growl as Shriekr got up to follow him. Together the trio flew towards the voting center, and then Feera turned to speak to Agni. The boy listened to the girl speak with a small smile on his lips, he wasn't going to say it but frankly she looked beautiful in this night sky. After hearing what she had to say; Agni nodded simply. [color=f26522]"I it would be a perfect center for our government, certainly has a good view of our lands. I'll oversee construction M'lady. As for our Military, militas are simply unorganized. I plan to have a loose military structure. That way we have standard modes of communication and aren't vulnerable to a sudden organized attack or any sort of emergancy. It's a blend of our ideas and I have some people in mind. I have also decided that you will have a personal honor guard. I will handselect each member and will personally oversee them."[/color] The boy said with all the respect and pride of somebody in his position should have. Then his entire expression changed over to one of a boy in dire pain, and that a boy worried about a friend. He reached out and grabbed Feera's wrist lightly. Just something to get her attention on him before letting go. [color=f26522"Feera, promise me something before we step into this. You're going to have a target on your head... promise me that you won't take any unessesscary risks. I lost my father two days ago to a PK guild. Hence why Shriekr is now responding to me, don't make me lose my best friend as well."[/color] He said softly and looked her in the eyes, thinking about all the time they had spent together. It had barely been a few days into the event when they had met, and since then he had been her friend. Working with her on quests every now and then, and joining her guild when that came around. He wasn't going to lose somebody else he cared out.