[CENTER][h1][color=ed1c24]Seiji Onoda[/color][/h1][/CENTER] Internally thankful that he didn't have to wait long for his teammates to show up, two boys that looked around his age soon arrived. Due to his outwardly impatient nature, he was sort of ticked that their sensei was running late. This wasn't the time to be dicking around, this was serious. It was straight up disrespectful to be late to these sort of things. The other squads were probably kicking things off, ready to start training. While squad 13 was just meeting each other, and their teacher hadn't even shown up yet. Daichi came in first, Seiji's scarlet eyes flicked over to him, his gaze almost analytical. Uchiha Daichi, wasn't he the heir of the clan? Hopefully he wasn't some pretentious snob who thought he was better than everyone else. Although Seiji admitted that they did have some similarities. He could see that Daichi had the same ambitious glint in his eyes, the same determination set in his jaw. The Onoda boy could respect that, hopefully he lived up to the Uchiha standard of power. With those fancy eyes of his, he couldn't be that bad could he? Based off of what Seiji observed in the Academy Daichi was probably closest to him in strength. This wasn't him being cocky, this was him being honest. The only other concern was that guy who stupidly calls himself G, the one with the Gravity Kekkei Genkai. He would have been more of a concern if he wasn't so annoying. Seiji made up his mind, Daichi was okay, he could deal with being on the same team as him. So when the Uchiha lifted his chin Seiji reciprocated the gesture, he even thought about starting a conversation, but came up with nothing relevant to say. So he stayed quiet and enjoyed the silence. Squad 13's third teammate came in shortly after Daichi, the Inuzaka boy, damn, what was his name? Seiji couldn't recall, only thing he knew about the guy was that he had an annoying ass dog. Seiji also remembered that he used canine base jutsu with that annoying ass dog, so their jutsu were close in nature. [color=f7941d]"Sensei not here yet or what?"[/color] the Inuzaka asked. Seiji smirked and spread his arms wide and replied sarcastically, [color=ed1c24]"No shit."[/color] He paused, then continued. [color=ed1c24]"What's your name anyways?"[/color]