[color=00aeef][b][@Level One Students][/b][/color] [b][color=00aeef]Thomas saw that the period was over and he would have to double up next period or play catch up tomorrow. He heard a slight cracking of an egg which brought a smile to his face. "I suggest that you both hurry and finish eating because the eggs are getting ready to hatch. I will get the Independent Study Room ready for your babies." he spoke to both of his students. [/color][/b] [b][color=39b54a]Mystique hurried to her room. Ember was sitting in the sun bathing while Fiona and Damion were playing in the center of the tank. She took out the new bubble aquariums out so she could take Fiona and Damion to class as well as Ember. It was nice to see that her dragons were capable of moving the balls very easily. They soon found their way to the classroom. [/color][/b]