Following closely behind Qa'Ra, Metosi followed the two into the tower, beside Shinon. He was suddenly very grateful that Ka-Vara had agreed to enter, his steel armor would be very useful in sudden melee skirmishes. Not wanting to hamper the others because of his lack of weaponry, Metosi stepped past Qa'Ra once inside, moving to an emptier space on the tower's ground level. The place seemed quiet to the dark elf, perhaps too quiet. There were no scampers of tiny animal feet that would have found this place to be an oasis from the dangers of the forest. And nothing save for the call of the wind reached his keen ears. His eyes cast all about, ever vigilant against attack. Readying himself and drawing upon his prodigious magical skill, Metosi cast a summoning spell for a lesser daedric minion in front of himself, in the open space. Action: Check the tower for any ambushing attacks, cast Summon Lesser Minion spell- Magicka cost 3, difficulty 2.