[color=00a651]Eddie was laying in his room staring into the ceiling. [color=a36209]"sigh, so bored. I wonder when the next clue is going to be given. Vlad need's to hurry up".[/color] Eddie started drifting off and was remembering his childhood. He started dreaming of a particular memory where he was playing in the sand when one of the older kids stood in front of Eddie. Suddenly, a fist started coming his way. "Ahh!", Eddie jerked as he came back from the dream. [color=a36209]"Ugh, what an unpleasant dream"[color=1a7b30], Eddie sat up on the bed,[/color] "So bored, I should have stayed with the group" [/color] Eddie shivered a little, [color=a36209]"why is it always so cold in here?"[/color][/color]