[img]http://img12.deviantart.net/2962/i/2010/155/7/6/139__chaoride_by_pequedark_velvet.png[/img] Pokemon entry : The pokemon is said to be the fastest creature on the planet as it never gets tired and must never stop moving or its brain will shut down. Typing : dark and Psychic Stats [b]HP[/b] 230 [b]ATTACK[/b]230 [b]DEFENSE[/b]230 [b]SP,ATTACK[/b]120 [b]SPEICAL DEF[/b]111 [b]SPEED[/b]230 Moveset Deadly Speed (Dam, 120)- Speedy attack that makes it invisble to the naked eye and attacks sharply knocking the pokemon around with the hooves it has. Galloping Furry - A speical dance wgich the user gallops around in a curcle creating a design in the ground boosting the speed sharply. Dark Hoof (Dam,100) - An attack where the user will stomp its dark hoof into the other several times, 2-5 ina row, leaves the pokemon confused. Whinny song - A song it sings that can make any pokemon on the battlefield its facing against fall magically in love with it.