[center][color=pink][h3]Nagisa Hana[/h3][/color][/center] When Tao spoke up first, Nagisa and Lee stayed quiet, listening respectfully to the boys thoughts. Though she was just expecting him to recite them out, the fact that he gave his own personal opinions on them actually would help her talk about them more. There were some things she agreed with, some she disagreed... and in the end she just smiled. Though he was confident in his views and spoke about the teachings of his clan, Nagisa found his naivete very refreshing. She had a lot to say about his responses, though she'd keep her thoughts brief. [color=pink]"Heh. I remember when I was your age, I felt the same way about those rules as you do. Though, I suppose my first piece of advice for you as your sensei is,"[/color] she paused, taking a deep breath before she continued. [color=pink]"Be open to change. Keep an open mind and an open heart, no matter what your personal morals may be. Of course, this applies to more than just the rules."[/color] She told the three as a whole. Nagisa stepped around the teacher's desk and pulled out the chair, turning it and sitting down with her legs on either side, she rested one of her elbows on the back of the seat. [color=pink]"Alright twerps. Listen up cause I don't want to repeat myself. I already don't like giving lectures..."[/color] she sighed and continued. [color=pink]"My job is not to tell you what you learned in the Academy was right or wrong. My job is to take what you learned and apply it to real life. I will tell you, that I'm not one to follow rules always perfectly. Part of being a shinobi is being able to adapt to situations. When it's life or death... the last thing you think about is whether or not you're following the rules. This line of work is all about survival. As people, we make mistakes, though the worst mistake you can make is putting yourself in a position where you may not live to try again."[/color] Pushing her bangs back away from her face, Nagisa would place the cigarette between her teeth and inhale a small breath, looking directly at Tao and locking eyes with him for a long moment. [color=pink]"A shinobi must [i]always[/i] follow their commanders instructions. Personally I don't care how any of you feel about this one, because this rule is one that I will [i]not[/i] budge on. It's not about trying to control you, or being a puppet. It's about experience. The reason I'm the one in charge is because I am a capable leader... despite all appearances."[/color] she said with a shrug. [color=pink]"If [i]you[/i] were capable of making the right call, then you would be the commander. You would be the one in charge. But you're not. I am, so I will need you three to trust that I know what I'm doing, and when I give you orders, that I do so with everyone's best interest at heart. That said, if at any point in time you three feel you have a problem with my orders, you can say so and we'll talk about it."[/color] she frowned and scratched her cheek, wondering if she would really always have to talk so much. She wasn't used to it. [color=pink]"So the question is: should we, as comrades, put the mission before each other, or before the lives of innocent people? The answer is not really a clear yes or no, because we have no right to decide what a person's life is worth. All we can do is our best to be prepared. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement. It's always best to not show weakness because once one learns how to get to you, how to get under your skin, or exactly what to say to set you off, you're dead. If it gets to that, they know exactly how to control you."[/color] she paused and looked thoughtful for a moment. [color=pink]"Then again. If you're smart, you can use weakness to your advantage."[/color] she would say, standing to her feet and moving to pace around. Suddenly she was starting to feel passionate about it. [color=pink]"Hell yeah, if you use your head, you can get the advantage in some situations. Make them think they've broken you, that they are in control, and then at the right moment, rip it all away from them!"[/color] she said, making a fist. [color=pink]"Be sharp. Take your time to think things through before you act. Learn to be five, ten, twenty steps ahead of your enemy. Strength and weaknesses aside, planning is key to any successful operation."[/color] she said. Another pause and Nagisa turned to the window and thrust it open, peering out and looking for Lee. When she found him, she pointed to the front entrance of the Academy and the ninneko nodded, prancing off in that direction, not looking particularly upset that she threw him out a few minutes prior. When she turned back to her students, Nagisa was sporting a smile. [color=pink]"Alright, enough talk from me. You twerps are going to get to show me how well your minds work and how well you can work in a team of strangers."[/color] she told them, gesturing to the door. [color=pink]"Let's head out. Oh! But first, any questions?"[/color] she would ask.