[center][h1][color=f49ac2]Asuka Koizumi[/color][/h1][/center] [color=662d91]"So you are…"[/color] Before her sensei could finish, Asuka felt a small push against her back, making her eyes pop out a little from the shock. She stumbled a few steps forward, quickly regaining her balance before she turned around to check the culprit. [color=f49ac2]"Hm?"[/color] [color=39b54a]"I'm sooooooo terribly sorry about that, I hadn't seen you there and I was in a hurry,"[/color] a smaller boy apologized, waving his arms in front of his face in panic. [color=39b54a]"It was my fault, really, I do apologize…"[/color] Asuka took a quick look at her supposedly new teammate before saying anything else. A head of straw blonde and eyes the colour of a frozen lake… To be frank, Asuka had never even seen this boy throughout her entire studying at the Academy. The fact that he was smaller than her did worry her a bit, though. Most boys would've shot past her by a long shot at this age, but seeing as she was a little bit above average for Konoha's height standards, the shock didn't last as long. [color=f49ac2]"Oh, no, it's fine. But, please try to look where you're going next time... Rushing things can lead to bad situations, and bad situations can lead to a lot of trouble... You're okay though, right?"[/color] Asuka looked at the boy, concerned yet a little annoyed that he had literally crashed into her as he entered though the door. She wasn't going to let it get to her that badly though. He truly looked like he didn't mean any harm… Asuka just needed to [s]viciously scold[/s] remind him to be a bit more organised at times like this. If there was one thing that ticked off Asuka the most, it was people being late to important meetings and such. It wasn't very professional, nor polite in the slightest. [color=662d91]"Well, at least the two of you are here so we might as well begin,"[/color] their new teacher continued whilst kicking the furniture back with his two legs once again. [color=662d91]"When the straggler comes I'll just have you two fill him in, explaining a second time would take too much effort."[/color] [color=f49ac2][i]I know he's a Jonin, but… Is he honestly going to continue acting like this in front of us? He's swinging on his chair [b]again[/b], and is asking us to fill the last person in on what's been going on so far instead of doing so himself. I can already tell that my first impressions on this man aren't exactly positive in any way. Goodness, at least act your age, whatever your name is![/i][/color] Ironically, the man revealed his name soon after. Mao of the Kagami clan… Asuka was sure she had heard of this one before. She was knowledgeable about many clans across the continent, but the Kagami clan was something that had only crossed her mind just now. The name Mao also sounded familiar to her too. She had definitely heard of him, yes, but she didn't expect a ninja of such a high ranking to be this… well, laid back. He was even part of an interrogation squad long before he filled the role as their new sensei. It was only a matter of how this man managed to achieve such things. Well, to the young Koizumi anyways. [color=f49ac2][i]Interesting…[/i][/color] Asuka thought, putting a hand to her chin in thought. [color=f49ac2][i]A man of such a high ranking yet of such a carefree personality… not really what I would call a good mix at all.[/i][/color] [color=662d91]"I figured we might as well start off on the right foot, candy?"[/color] Although Asuka was craving something sweet right about now, she managed to resist. Unbeknownst to quite a lot of people, Asuka had a sweet tooth. Every time when she would tell her classmates to tone down on the junk food in their diet, she couldn't help but feel like a hypocrite inside. To be honest, actually, she was being one. [color=f49ac2]"No thank you, I'm fine."[/color] Asuka uttered in her usual tone of voice, deep and monotone. She looked towards the boy from the other class, waiting for his response instead. [color=662d91]"Well then, now that you know a little about me let's hear what you have to say about yourselves,"[/color] Mao said, his arm still outstretched. [color=662d91]"Why did you decide to join the Academy? What was your inspiration for becoming a ninja?"[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Well, I-"[/color] [color=662d91]"Actually, that might take too much time. . ."[/color] Asuka's face dropped. Letting out a soft sigh, she tilted her head around to spot the last person arriving. What else was there to do anyways apart from listening to this so-called Jonin run his mouth? Asuka knew that respect was important, especially towards those older and higher than you, but as time passed and Asuka spent more and more time with this man, the girl just didn't find anything in Mao. First he comes in dressed like he was about to go down to the supermarket, then he falls off his chair the second he sees Asuka pass through the door. As many of her clan would say towards people like this, '-1 percent for effort'. [color=f49ac2]"Never mind…"[/color]