[@Theodora_21][@MissCapnCrunch] When answering his phone and listening to Theo, Zeke looked at Toni's response from him telling her he needed to talk to his boss first. His eyes followed her movements knowing she was not fond of being interrupted and Zeke knew that he was going to have to calm her cute little ass down. To Zeke...taking care of business was first while pleasure came second. I mean, he's the enforcer, he had to set an example. When asked about how the drop off went, he answered "Yeah errthing was smoove. Lil shit talkin but ain't nuthin serious." when she requested for him to pick up some ice cream, Zeke looked at his phone almost looking like, why the fuck are you talkin to me like I'm a do-boy? but being that he promised to be loyal and do Theo's father a favor and personally look after her which mean basically doing what she wanted. Zeke gave a sigh "Yeah I gotcha boss..." to give answer of bringing ice cream for her. Zeke continued to stare at Toni waiting for her to turn and look at him because he was going to want her to come back so she could finish what she was going to say to him. Zeke spoke once more " you good tho boss lady?"