[@floodtalon][hider=Exam]The sword that Chen deflected slammed into the robot with brutal force, ripping one of its arms off. The robot spun in place for a moment confused by Chen vanishing. However instead of whirling to a halt it simply began spitting out blades randomly hoping to hit Chen, since it knew he couldn't have left the area.[/hider] [@TheUltimatum][hider]The Lich had to suppress laughter. This human though he could actually destroy him by attacking his [i]body[/i] of all things? His eyes gleamed, piercing through the cold and allowing him to see the warm life form beneath him. His body tapped one foot on the ground sending out a wave of ice creeping along the ground, creating a slippery terrain. Smooth ice that was practically impossible to grip, after all it wasn't like the Lich needed to walk. His body raised its arm blocking Apollo's first swing, nearly cutting through the bone. Then as Apollo recovered from his swing and tried to keep his footing on the icy ground, the Lich's body exploded outwards, sending bones flying through the air with crushing force. Would Apollo be able to dodge it on the iffy footy? Even he could the Lich's head was hard at work doing the same thing with the other skeletons, creating multiple fields of flying bones spreading throughout the icy battlefield. Truly a poor position for Apollo, even if he attempted to control the bones himself he would have to wrest control of them from the Lich, and the Lich had a few hundred centuries of experience on Apollo.[/hider] [@Slendy][hider=Exam]Belle roared angrily as she batted away his attack easily, "[color=green]Idiot! Maybe if you'd been paying attention youd've figured this out already![/color]" After effortlessly blocking several more attacks let one of his punched pass right by her, grabbing the arm as it went by and hurling Kenny at the nearest wall. "[color=green]Maybe if you're nice I'll repeat myself. MAYBE![/color]" [/hider]