[quote=@Robo27] Yeah, but do keep in my mind they were monster mobs, it's not like they were created by one specific race for the intention of war. Also to build more on my point, if there are tanks and warships what will stop someone from making a gun powered by magic? After all tanks and warships would mean the technology and ability to make a single handheld gun powered by magic isn't impossible. [/quote] Realistically though what does this offer in terms of advantage? If you're able to throw fireballs naturally why would you ever need a device whose purpose is to throw fireballs. In fact, even if such things were created it'd be likely that they would be inferior to natural casting ability. EDIT: I do agree with your point about keeping tanks / airships out though. As fun as wargaming this is I don't actually want to see them implemented IC. I'm fine with defensive turrets though as long as they don't get too out of hand. This is really an issue the GM should rule on though. What level of sophistication are we allowed to progress too?