[color=ed1c24]「Here we all stand today deciding who is the best to lead the Spriggans. Each and every one of us that stand before all of you have our own motives for running for leader, but I can't tell you what their motives are, but I can tell you mine. My motive, my reason for wanting to become the leader of the Spriggans is to ensure our survival and triumph over this game. I do not have any wishes to take over other races territories or anything that relates to such actions. My wish is to ensure that each and every single one of you that stand in the crowd, make it back to the real world to lead a life, not a life that is doomed to be stuck in a video game just to meet your untimely death.」[/color]He paused for a minute as he did a quick survey of the crowd stood before him before he began to speak before them again.[color=ed1c24]「I can honestly say that I am the best suited for this position because I know for a fact that I have more experience than any of my fellow candidates before you. I am sure that my name has gotten around, after all I dedicated hours upon hours to becoming the strongest and most tenacious player possible to ensure that I can lead a whole race without failure. My reputation proceeds me, but if you have not heard of my name, hear it now. My name is Kei, the Spriggan who will lead this race to the end of this death game. The one man that will provide for this race in any way possible, ensuring happiness and survival. Now you may all be asking how I am so confident. I am confident because I know this game from the countless tests I took part in, I know the best quests I know the best raids that can be monetized to give the Spriggans that boost to compete with the other races. I know secrets that not all the testers knew about. I can provide a foothold to this race against the other races. I may seem arrogant but I do not go back on my word, I vow my very life to the Spriggan race even if it means my death. I will protect this land and it's people against all adversaries no matter what.」[/color] Kei paused again before bowing and giving a very slight bow.[color=ed1c24]「Thank you for giving me your time my fellow Spriggans.」[/color]The murmurs that were coming from the crowd throughout the speech immediately ceased to exist, rendering it completely silent. The silence was broken in a matter of milliseconds though as the crowd cheered out loudly, making it seem as if it was a landslide victory, but there was still one more candidate left to give out their final speech which almost meant that Kei's victory was not locked in. He worried as the man that came after him seemed to always be close behind Kei, doing his best to take the victory away from Kei.