Amberlyn watch another young man approximately her age walk past her confidently with a sigh. What she'd give to have confidence like that, which she'd have if she weren't wearing a dress. From the overhead balcony Lilith, the princess of Aciras, greeted the royalty of its brother and sister kingdoms. Silently the Amberlyn and her parents enter the grand castle following a man that she suspected, from his obvious knowledge of the way around the palace, was Mr. Clarke. The seating was set out with precision, places labelled with name cards. Walking along the left side of the table and reading name cards Amberlyn soon figured out that they were in alphabetical order. Assuming her name would be first, of at least in that direction, she heads toward that direction finding her name a few seats down where a butler was waiting to pull out her chair. 'I can look after myself,' Amber mutters grudgingly, seating herself and being sure to push her chair in herself. She glanced upon the other side of the table to see her parents toward the middle on the side of the further end from Aciras' queen. Viracian was an important to the dairy and red meat trade however they had to import a majority of other organic product bringing down the kingdom's worth. The king of Aciras' gave a short speech before taking his seat and Amberlyn resorted herself to peering at the many faces in the room, she was unsure of whom her future husband was, her parents wouldn't tell her.