[center] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/25/4b/6e/254b6ec507b164da5649cf83469f0cbe.jpg [/img] [/center] They walked further and further down the winding grey tunnel, moving in hushed footsteps over the twisted bodies of the Under-dwellers. It was not long before the floor became wet beneath them, and not with water. [i]It's Blood.[/i] Zhaarus realized [i]We're wadding through blood.[/i] The lingering scent hung in the air, reeking its noxious stench as the thick red tide ran between their feet, sticking like fresh tar to the warrior's boots. A croaky moan slunk out of the darkness, echoing on a distant whisper. [color=662d91][i][b]"Hush now, my captain. Your worries are no more. Shut your eyes, bow your head. You're knocking on death's door."[/b][/i][/color] Zharrus stopped in his tracks, gesturing for the group to do likewise. [color=662d91][b]"The tide of fate heaves through the night. A black lamb stumbles blindly. Although it might give you a fright, the grave will treat you kindly." [/b][/color] The Old Warrior's hand slipped carefully down to his holster, pulling free his revolver with calculated fingers. [color=662d91] [b][i]"Tread carefully now, watch your step. You're crawling through the sod. On frozen ground you hiss and spit. You're abandoned by your God." [/i][/b] [/color] Zharrus looked up. Rows of figures, whose bodies were woven together with vines of twisted metal, hung from the celling. Flashes of steel burst forth from their skin, and their open wounds were leaking down onto the rusty tracks bellow. A huge, lumbering figure came stomping out of the dark. Its pale, sunken face was a mess of pipes and tubes, which seems to erupt from its very flesh. Its likeness bore more resemblance to a skull than the face of any living creature, and it walked with an obvious stoop. Its form was covered in thick, dark metal, and its right arm had been sawed off at the stump and replaced with a long metal hook. [b]"Bring it down!" [/b] Zhaarus barked, firing off a three-shot burst from his revolver. The bullets slammed into the creature, but all they seemed to do was make it stumble backwards. Hissing in frustration, the Warrior extended one hand, his mind seizing hold of the metal train tracks. [i]Flex[/i]. Seemingly on its own accord, a chunk of the path tore free from the floor, floating up into the air as pure Essence coursed through it. [i]Flex[/i]. The track shot forwards, tearing through the creature's shoulder. Blood, painted black in the darkness, sprayed through the air, and the monster let out a throaty giggle , but otherwise seemed undeterred. Zhaarus furrowed his brow. This would be a[b] tough[/b] fight.