[h1]Gabel Wester[/h1] Gabel closed the window and relocked it before following them. She took a seat at the kitchen table being able to see them from there. She frowned a bit when Patrick stepped on the pillows she had all over the floor with his shoes. She just started coloring with her crayons on one of the papers she had on the table. The house looked as if she'd been alone for awhile. It was true, her dad had turned a week ago locking himself in the bathroom. He hadn't had the guts to shoot himself while he was in there. She stopped for a moment and opened up her water bottle and took a drink. She smiled to herself, she was secretly pretending they weren't there and to her it was the funniest thing. She looked back as she heard the scratching on the bathroom door before giving off a small sigh going back to her drawing. She was drawing her mom, maybe one of these guys had seen her? She was actually pretty happy to have some company even if they were strangers. She'd been pretty lonely just her and her drawings. [@LPFan] [@Foster]