Something about this place was giving Angel the creeps, she felt it sink down to her bones. A certain feeling of danger that she had felt before on number of near death occasions and her instincts were kicking in again, alerting her about danger. Soon she found out why that was as the grotesque creature appeared and Zhaarus ordered to take it down. A shiver ran down her spine as she studied the strange enemy. What the hell was that!? Why was it here!?[color=6ecff6]” Why is such a thing here!?”[/color] Ashe asked in disbelieve as she quickly pulled out her main pistol, but took a few steps back from it. The way it reacted to the revolver shots made it pretty clear this was a tough thing to take down. As the essence attack from their guide kicked in, Angel left the hunger, she needed her essence, but somehow managed to pull herself from it and focused on the fight. This thing was just about as much a machine as a living thing, maybe even more from the looks of it. If she managed to get a hold of it, she be able to drain something from it, but that hook was not something she wanted tearing through her flesh. [color=6ecff6]“Well then, I haven’t done this in a long time~”[/color] She said, taking her plasma cannon in her left hand. She had 3 shots, but each needed reloading. No matter this thing needed to die and the damage output of her plasma cannon was quite high especially against big targets like this. She released the safety on the plasma handcannon and it quickly began letting out a slight hum.[color=6ecff6]” This will most likely end badly~ “[/color] She whistled to herself as she began running to the side positioning herself at the opposite side of the hook and out of the firing solution of the other people in here. She used her main gun to fire at the face of the enemy, she wasn’t used to firing with one arm so her aim was shaky, but the point was to keep suppressing fire for now. Reaching just about the optimal distance to fire the plasma cannon, she aimed at the leg of the creature. A plasma bolt this powerful from this distance was going to surely do significant damage to it. She aimed with her left hand and fired. The plasma left the chamber of the gun with hissing sound. Angel herself quickly jumped back, ejecting the empty plasma clip from the revolver. With a metal clank, it flew into the air, letting of steam as it quickly cooled down. Quickly then holstering her main pistol, she put a new plasma clip into the heated plasma gun.