Deep in the Sylph territory lays the grand city of Sylvain. On this particular day the great city prepared for its race elections. Many good officials gathered to sway the leadership in their favor but none could predict how who held the favorite for this kind of conquest. One thing was certain was that a majority of the race has lined up to witness these elections. That is unless you count a notorious PKer who is running late for this occasion. Kashin zoomed throughout the sky with his jungle green wings beating million miles a minute. Sure he had no interest in who lead their race since most people avoided him but it would satisfy his curiosity to get a glance at the figure-head that would lead their people. Besides that small point he had people he wanted to see in Sylvain that no doubt were pretty excited over these elections that took part today. The Slyph zoomed until he could see his own capital in sight as he prepared to land safely in the city. When he landed it was rather scarce. Probably because no one was going to hold an election at the city entrance. It was more plausible to hold it in the middle of town. Instead of journeying to the business area of town where everyone else was he made his way towards an old abandoned hut near the slums of Sylvain. "Hello, anyone home." He announced as he walked through the worn out door. As the door creaked shut a couple loud screams burst from the back room. Soon they grew louder as a group of young children tackled Kashin to the ground. "Hey,Hey, I missed you too." The Slyph said as he got up trying to keep his cool. He looked down and every single one of them appeared to be under the age of ten. Sometimes life is just cruel locking them into a world such as ALO. [i]Damn that Kayaba. [/i] Kashin thought inside his head as he reverted his attention back to the young-lings surrounding him. "Hey I brought you guys something." He said in a cheerful voice. "But let's go watch the commotion at city hall first." He said as he picked up the youngest who was only four years old ed the pack. Kashin and his pack arrived right in the middle of one of the speeches. Every child seem to be munching on some kind of food that Kashin had just bought them. After all it was least he could do since he never has the time to see his friends. Then their mother figure Nozle came up right behind Kashin. "[i] Hey[/i], you could have wait up for me she barked in a whisper at the wild Slyph. "You know I could have but they wanted to get moving." He badgered at her as the children laughed. Then he gave his attention to the elections. "It was rather sad because this whole united races only gave everyone a reason to wage war on another side that inconveniences them." Kashin whispered to himself so only the children and Nozle could hear him. It may be only his opinion as a lone PKer in the end with only two possible alliances and nine races then odds are there will will be two groups that don't get along. After all it was nothing more than human nature. But who was Kashin to protest a race leadership. "You should tell them that." Nozle urged him in a whisper. "After all we only like to vagrant like you around because you taught us to live by your beliefs."She continued to urge him. "Alright but if this turns out badly its your fault." He replied. Kashin always donned his hood in public out of habit so there was no chance that anyone would recognize him in his relatively new cloak. Using he quickly left Nozle with the kids and entered the area from a different direction. Upon entering he activated until he stood atop of the outdoor election grounds. He flew until he was standing atop of the City Hall Building. "People of Sylvain I understand your need to look for leadership but choosing one to govern you as a race can not lead to a great outcome. You may think we greater unified but that is greater power for our government to control. Before we know it there will be race wars, choosing sides,and above all slaughter. I don't know what you think but I see nothing but blind racist in uniting ourselves like this. If my statement has made no impact on you then go ahead and follow your elected officials but I do pray for those of you who do." Kashin said as he took flight and disappeared among the buildings of Sylvain. "I sure hope that doesn't turn out too bad." Kashin whispered to himself as he placed the new cloak into his inventory.