[@Aisling] And so, this was something about the pets. Elizabeth was intrigued by some of the questions which this rose, and concerned with some of the other questions this rose. Certainly, this was designed to teach all the knowledge which we could be taught, and the teaching was done neutrally. Perhaps Elizabeth would establish her own school of magic when she became ruler, where the negative teachings of the Academy could be suppressed. Emphatic - being able to experience the feelings or sensations of another creature. This must have been designed to make the pet and the owner have a bond, of which would be closer than any other bond. Hopefully it could be turned off quickly, as to share pain would be quite a negative experience. Could it be stretched to its necessary conclusion, of sharing the poignancy of emotions to other like individuals? Could this be combined with suicide to be a sort of suicide attack? Mind Bonding, on the other hand, did not actually sound magical. Influence, on the other hand, made Elizabeth feel quite uncomfortable. Was there something more to this? There certainly had to be other elements to it, if a firmness was all it took. Lastly was illusion, which could be useful, although Elizabeth did not think that there would be any use of it on her pet. Elizabeth raised her hand to ask, "Are these only applicable to our pets? They seem just as practical, or in the case of illusions even more so, on others."