Waiting for her answer, only to give a reminder about the ice cream, Zeke noticed that she quickly got off the phone and he look back at the phone as well placing it on the table. "Da fuck...." now he has to handle a do-boy task, otherwise, he'll never hear the end of it and he knows from up close and personal that Theo has a bitch-switch that she's not afraid to flip on. taking a deep breath, he watch Toni getting the last bit of plates and cups, asking him if he'd give her a ride but he didn't answer because she knew the fuck well that he'd take her wherever she needed to be. he stood up and went behind the counter not really giving two fucks and grabbed an extra large cup to pour some sprite in and walked back around to find Toni already outside waiting by the car. Upon coming out, he hit the button on his key to unlock the door so she could get in. "get yo lil ass in da car." he said looking on at her. he was not mad or anything but his appearance and the way he spoke made him sound intimidating to ones who were not close to him. "you gotta go anywhere before goin to da base?" he asked her.