Forget that. it's back, but I don't know when it'll poof again. I don't understand what's going on... Sorry. - - - - Okay, I posted. My fingers might fall off, but I posted. :) --- :D [center][img][/img] [b]Full Name: [/b] Chandra R. Herondale [b]Age: [/b] 17 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Birthday: [/b] July 18 [b]Species: [/b] Mutant [b]Power: [/b] Weather control [b]Coates or Townie: [/b] Neither [b]Personality: [/b] To those who deserve it - Channy will be loyal. Trust comes at a price - a price one will pay if they break it. Vengeance suits her just fine, though she's prepared to dig two graves. Kindness is something rarer than a flower blossoming in winter. Once her mind is set, changing it is like pushing a truck uphill. A laugh from her bodes signs of evil or deception. One might call her twisted, but she finds herself justified. Chandra does not, will not, ever underestimate anyone, or let her disability impair her. [b]Brief History: [/b] From birth, it seemed as if her life were cursed. Chandra's parents' abandoned her due to her physical impairment, which was her missing her right leg. Though the doctor's gave her a prosthetic leg, the family still refused her. A loving family adopted her, but their neighborhood wasn't the best. Her education was tough, but she became top of her class. Bullied, left out, and teased, Chandra eventually joined a gang, who accepted her for who she was inside. They taught her self-defense and more. Despite this, her involvement with them caused her to be sent to juvie twice; once for stealing and the other for hospitalizing a rival gang member. Years later, Chan's parents raised enough money to move and ended up nearby Sans Perdido Beach. They hoped it would change her, but Chandra turned for the worst - especially when she ignores her warnings to stay away from Perdido Beach. [b]Theme Song: [/b] Demons - Imagine Dragon; You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi. [/center]