His helmet was constricting him, he dropped pressed at the base of his neck and his helmet folded up and disappeared into the base of the armors neck. The neck guards were still in place which gave off the look of medieval plate armor. [b]"Bring it down!" [/b] He felt a pang of shame, as point he’d missed the beast come out entirely until the guide shouted out. He unleashed a volley of rounds into the head of the beast, with a flash of sparks and blood it remained standing, he took a step back. At the same moment a part of the tracks flew past him. It seemed to do little but give the creature a laugh, then the plasma. He drew a grenade from his waist pressing, one of the buttons on it, the screen rotated from plasma, to frag, to HE, and finally landing on Phosphorus. His plan was simple, destroy the creatures hooked hand. It was already too close to him, though within its arms reach, it continued to lumber closer. He took a deep breath calming his nerves, his pistol in his dominant hand, he squeezed off a few more bullets testing its body. He ducked right, and under its grasp. It had lunged after his second volley. He activated the grenade and jammed it into its elbow joint. He dropped to a roll , his body now covered in the blood once to his feet, he found himself behind it. He turned and fired his rounds into the back of the creature. He had roughly five left in this clip. With a bright puff of smoke and a bright light. The white phosphorus melted the metal hook causing it to become severed and merely a stumped hand with a small twisted metal lump, the skin around the attachment was molten and blackened. Its side was heavily scarred by the quick flash burn. With unexpected quickness the beast twisted the opposite direction, his remaining arm coming in a back hand. Roy had merely a split second to drop again, and into the muck. The liquid getting into his mouth. It made him want to retch, yet he held it together. He pushed himself back up, firing another two shots into its side. Its focus switched from the group as it turn its back. He took a step backwards and it took a step forwards. He fire the last four shots before dropping his clip. He slid his last one home and took aim. It swung on him again, though this time he couldn’t avoid it. The metal stub smashed into his shoulder, the weight of the hit pushed him off his feet and against the wall. He smashed into it with a thud. His armor though damaged, easily absorbed almost all of the blow. He did however lose his breath. As he struck his pistol became dislodged from his grasp and fell into the bloody waters. He drew the knife which was attached to the shoulder of his armor. Recovering he squared off with the beast, his knife drawn. His breathing was heavy, his shoulder armor had been crushed.