[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3011013][img]http://i.imgur.com/v9oVH0X.png[/img][/url] [color=MediumAquamarine][U][B] Masshiro, Kenomo (畜生 真白 )[/B][/U] Date- 5/01/1925, Location- Kumogakure (Academy classroom), Time- Morning[/color][/center] Masshiro, as well as the rest of the class, heard Akira immediately insult Himawari and slapped the hand away. It was too obvious the class's top student didn’t find the causal nin’s comment amusing or thought much of him in general. Something that Masshiro wasn’t surprised about as he slowed his pace and taking longer in approaching them, hoping to delay the inevitable. It seemed his earlier suspicions were all too correct, his role being the arbitrator between the two and a role he wasn't looking forward to. However, there was little he could do currently about the matter. His hand tried to adjust his strap again as it slipped down. Naturally due to his hasty shuffling, most the weight had shifted to the back end and threatened bring the bag crashing down from his shoulder. Masshiro gritted his teeth and again, tilted his shoulder and jerked his strap back up before it slipped away. The whole time, the bandage in his mouth was getting dampened by his saliva. If he got it too wet then it would’ve been a breeding ground for germs and infection was the last thing he needed for his wound. He was getting irritated at his lacking progress with multitasking as he paused in his extraction of his bandage to retrieve the roll wadded up in his mouth. The boy removed it easily only to feel a fresh, painful flare race up from his knuckles. It was bad enough he couldn’t change the wrap, but now he had to deal with the ache too. Masshiro fought back a jump when Akira shouted at the others in the classroom, his red eyes noted the the baneful and disgusted glares. His tongue nestled in his teeth and bit down, gently, to draw his attention from the sour expressions baring down on Akira. And to an indirect degree, himself. A comment about Tadoki drew a direct protest in the form of “Hey!” which only helped Masshiro’s desire to ask Akira to keep his trap shut grow. Thankfully the snob pulled his nose down and glanced over the mission statement another time before putting it away then shouting for him, ignoring Himawari. [color=MediumAquamarine]”Coming.”[/color] Masshiro stated in a whisper, leaving his redden wrap alone for now. He would have to flip out the bandages later when he had more time. His feet sped up a bit when he noted Himawari grin his widest grin yet. He reminding Masshiro of a cat with a mouse, Akira being the latter and with an ego complex. That grin made the genin nervous as he tried to reach them. His steps were longer to cover more distance and try to interrupt whatever Himawari had in store. Unfortunately he got the gut feeling he was going to be too late mainly since Himawari was closer and his bag was slowing him down a bit. When the kid shocked Akira, Masshiro’s face flickered with worry at what had happened. His mind shifted to the worst case and was preparing to stop the other kid from picking a fight with the other, ready to shove his bag to the floor in the event he needed more speed. It might break a few important things but having his teammates black and blue before a job was something much worse than a few ruined supplies. He didn’t assume Akira would win but the notion of seeing two ninja with abilities of power clashing, Himawari coming from a well known Clan, when they were suppose to be his team didn’t sit well with him. He spoke loudly for his causal volume to gain both boys’ attention and blurted out the only thing he could think of that might distract Akira from crossing a line. [color=MediumAquamarine] “Hey, I’m coming! But before we leave, I need to get some last minute supplies and talk to my sister, Hanawa-chan.”[/color]