What is it that makes spam... well spam. Is it that we are a community of *cough*People*cough* who enjoy having a place to post that is not as strict as other parts of the forum to post in? Do we just like spam because we can get attention, and knows it will feed us like it was a IV stuck into our arm giving us life sustaining stuff? Does spam just act as a "prison" for all the trouble maker type of people who would otherwise be making threads used to do un-Fonz cool stuff on more stricter sub forums(looking at you OT) Or is it just a less glorified OT/ML that we can post forum games in. Better yet is it where we can just post something that could in other sub sections be seen as being a complete ass, and in spam we just see it as, lol spam is not serious y u so serious bro. Stuff. What makes spam sub section, spam?