[center][b]Franklin Emannuel Levin[/b][/center] "Awwwwe. And here I was hoping to get my eagle scout. Oh well, maybe there is a chance I can get into a troop for a bit after this but I also doubt that by the time I graduate that I'll have the time to get Eagle." I grumble to myself as I move away from the window and look back at the group of other new Northern Lights recruits and look around wondering about what our future would be like and figuring I should socialize a little but not sure who to approach first. [hr] [center][b]Kaerin Teidia[/b][/center] "It'll be worse if there are no reds in the new group and either too many of one color or a black aura. As for the uniforms I don't think anyone likes how they feel or fit." I say remaining more or less at ease in the uniform that is ever so slightly ill-fitting and made of an annoying fabric. "They shouldn't be too far out at this point though."