Ed rolled off to the side as the mutated fly thing shot a web from it's spider mouth right at him. Coming out of the roll he sprinted at it and put his blade into it's stomach before it could attack him again. As it fell to the ground Ed was beset by 3 more bugs. The first was a centipede with wings that spit acid and the other two were some weird mix of wasp and bits and pieces from other animals he couldn't identify. Ed dodged to the right as the centipede spit at him almost being hit by the glob of spit. Suddenly something fell from the sky and landed right on the centipede killing it instantly. After the dust settled Ed was looking at a really armored person that probably shouldn't of survived a landing at that speed. But it just stood there laughing before it started summoning spears to kill the nearby bugs including the two wasps that were recovering from the blast that the armored girl made when she landed.