[b]1108[/b] "This is going to get somebody killed." Eduard responded after a moment, not looking up from the embassy map. Time was quickly slipping through their fingers. They didn’t have much time to prepare, and even less time to act. Eduard scanned the map for several moments, shaking his head slightly. A lot was going through his mind, and the rather tight timetable wasn’t helping any. This entire idea was a bad one. Once they got over the wall, they’d be in the open, sitting ducks for the enemy. Even if they weren’t engaged and killed, the rebels only had to see them coming, execute the hostages, and then the team would be walking into an ambush. The marine marksmen and newly positioned Estonian MG3 team covering the compound’s rear gate gave him some comfort, but not much. Unfortunately, their options were limited, and unless Ochoa decided to sacrifice himself for these four unlucky Brits, or the Americans decided to kick his ass out, there was nothing to be done but something stupid. Bastion had made himself very clear, they were going through with this. The Estonians, marines, and mercenaries were just pawns on this chessboard of political bullshit, and Eduard obviously wasn’t too thrilled about it. He addressed the four men assigned to him. “Hopkins, Harris, right? You two are the first team. Private Levandi and...Pedro? You will be second team. We need to move fast, we only have-” He checked his wristwatch quickly, “-eleven minutes. We move along the wall, reach the gate and engage Loos. If we get stopped, I’ll throw smoke grenades if I can, team one covers, two moves. Someone starts shooting and we don’t get to the Brits, they die. We’ll need to be quick, that means no stopping once we get over the wall. We move or they die." He reached to his radio. “Roman, send someone down to the rear gate right now with ammunition and grenades, Levandi and myself are going outside. See if the First Sergeant needs anyone to assist at the front gate. You're in command of the squad." Eduard looked over the map a few seconds longer, then turned to First Sergeant Bastion. "If this comes to my men or the hostages, I'm choosing my men. This is on you." [b]1112[/b] Sergeant Alvar's team quickly assembled at the rear gate, performing last minute checks on their weapons, ammunition, and equipment. A few additional AK4 magazines and grenades had been hastily acquired from the Estonian sent by Roman and the marines managed to get their hands on some extra ammunition in the short amount of time as well. When everyone was ready, Eduard keyed his radio and briefly alerted Bastion they were moving out, then gave his team the order to move. A few smoke grenades were lobbed over the wall, and the soldiers began scaling the gate one-by-one, beginning with the marines. Eduard was the third man over, slinging his rifle over his back and hauling himself up and over the concrete wall to join Harris and Hopkins on the other side. He dropped to a crouch behind the cloud of thick smoke, quickly shouldering his weapon and thumbing the safety to ensure it was in semi-automatic. If there was anyone watching, this would be impossible to miss and their mission would be over just as it had begun. He had to wait for what seemed like an eternity before the other two finally leapt down to join them. The sergeant looked between them, checked his weapon again, glanced at his watch, then gave the order to move. Corporal Harris took point, leading the team as they handrailed the embassy wall towards the front gate, moving quickly in a loose column. Eduard kept his AK4 raised and scanned the surrounding buildings as they left the concealment of the thinning smokescreen, ready to fire the moment he spotted an enemy. Maybe everything would go as planned, they’d sweep around the wall, waste the Dutch motherfucker and his men and be heroes. Or, more likely, it wouldn't, and at least a few people would end up dead.