[center][color=0054a6][h3][b]~Lapis Lazuli~[/b][/h3][/color] Lapis took one good look at the group that was willing to take out the threat, judging from the fact that these people would be working alongside her. When was the last time she was working cooperatively with some other person? That she didn't know either. Her memories were jumbled up in some places, one way or the other. Once she was through the rift, the masked girl immediately took cover behind some rubble before both combatants wouldn't take notice of her presence right away. While some would just charge into the battle and intervene, Lapis wanted to get the element of surprise going here, and hopefully she wasn't spotten in that mere split second there. Not like she could sensed that easily either, because you know, she was technically dead on the physical side. As she hid and waited for the right moment to strike, she reloaded her weapon with the ammunition it needed. [i][u]-Equipment Status-[/u][/i] [i]{Gleaming Cleaver Ammo Count: 10 rounds loaded, 140 rounds ready for reload} {Adamas Trias: Full Condition}[/i] [@Kael Taiyou][@Lmpkio][@Flamelord][@Eviledd1984][@Yidhra][/center]