A chuckle slipped past Theodora's lips as Dennis blew the smoke from his cigar and informed her that he would be gone for awhile. "You shouldn't trust those assholes. They will cross you before you even start to [i]think[/i] about them deceiving you. But. If you [i]must[/i] use them for your drug trade, I suggest taking Zeke with you. He should be getting back from a drop off soon and I'm sure he could use the excitement. When he returns I will send him in if you like." She crossed to his desk and placed her newly manicured hand on top of his documents and lowered her head so that she made eye contact with him. "And Dennis. If they do cross you and they take you away and torture you. Don't reveal any information about us. If you do, I will make sure you die a slow death." She stared him down for a full thirty seconds before she smiled again and added, "As for the mayor. I'm sure you will think of something. I heard he has a thing for ladies of the night. Just a piece of information I heard, use it or not use it, as you see fit." She turned on her heel and walked out of the door, closing it lightly behind her. As she ascended the stairs to her own office, she pulled out her phone from her back pocket where she had placed it earlier. She clicked on her messaged an texted Toni. [i]When you get home, come to my office.[/i] Theodora pushed the door to her office open and crossed to her desk where she sat in her chair and waited for Toni and Zeke to return.