[center][h1][u][b]The Black Veil[/b][/u][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2007/314/7/d/Destroyed_Cathedral_Exterior_by_I_NetGraFX.jpg[/img] [i][b]"Nye No Contemptimus Vitas Humanite Reliquinamos."[/b][/i][/center] [center][b][u]Prologue; [i]Venomous Virtues[/i]:[/u][/b][/center] All of you have come to The Morges for one reason or another. You have heard of this place through whispers and tales. Through anonymous contacts whos descriptions of this land seemed surreal at the time. Many of you may have just stumbled upon the knowledge of this alleged location, while others dug through endless records and humanoid witnesses to find their destination. Yet, you are here all the same, and it seems like you may not be able to turn back. Prior to your arrival to The Morges, Scholars had distributed down payments between your group members, in exchange for any information you could scavenge for them. Sorcerers and magical artists alike asked for magical components, with high rewards for some of the rarest. Miscellaneous others jumped on this opportunity to gain souvenirs from such a hidden, and forbidden, region. You took these jobs gratefully, and maybe even ignorantly. With this, you were formed into a makeshift party by your investors, and sent into the monstrosity that is The Morges. But, you Have never been propelled by the tangible rewards awaiting you. You originally saw your own ambitions mirrored in this dreary place, and you still follow these goals stubbornly, thoughtfully, hopefully, and... Blindly... [center][b]"I will take you this far, and no more..."[/b][/center] These are the words muttered by your carriage driver. A small, pale halfling who despises, but yet, tolerates the life of travel (at least, that's what he says). You and your companions had been cramped into the small, black transport for more than a couple days now, only getting out to scavenge and/or purchase food and drink. Now, you face the large metal gate that crowns the village of Mother Terrea, the only sound worth mentioning being that of your own breath. You jump from the tall carriage, and walk towards the silent town before you. Blades of grass lick at your ankles, wet with dark dew that smears on your boots as you near the gate. Your quiet approach is suddenly disrupted by the frantic neighing of the carriage driver's horses, all of which were spooked by the sudden flight of bats from a nearby tree. [b]"I must go. I wish all of you the best of luck..."[/b], the halfling whispers, nervous beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he does. Soon, you and your party are all that is left facing the presence of Mother Terrea... Rhythmic church bells ring out to insistently welcome you as your group enters the village. The gate had been left unchecked and unlocked, and from what you can see, there was no need to secure it at all. Numerous houses and shops are dark and uninhabited, with superstitious sounds that come from within them being the only relief amongst the [i]Gong-gong[/i] of the cathedral's bells. [i]'Today must be a religious ceremony for the town.'[/i], you contemplate momentarily. Going to the church would be your best bet at finding the people of this darkened residency. On the other hand, the remainder of your party still awaits your introduction. The tiring trek to these parts was not an ideal setting for building alliances, and frankly, neither is this... [center][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/116/640x447_20005_MTG_Plane_Innistrad_2d_landscape_mistery_wizards_of_the_coast_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [i][b]"We will not continue to relinquish our humanity"[/b][/i] [b]+[/b][@Rogue Colm][b]+[/b] [b]Cecelia[/b] [color=39b54a]Turn taken (Perception Check)[/color] [b]+[/b][@Prince Potter][b]+[/b] [b]Walter O'Dim[/b] [color=00a651]Turn taken (approach the church)[/color] [b]+[/b][@Shadolord][b]+[/b] [b]Bryn Amakiir[/b] [color=00a651]Turn taken (approach the church)[/color] [b]+[/b][@Theorist][b]+[/b] [b]Oster Trevayne[/b] [color=39b54a]Turn taken (go and investigate the church)[/color] [b]+[/b][@daltar][b]+[/b] [b]Alexia Sindarin Calbridge[/b] [color=39b54a]Turn taken (approach the church)[/color] [b]+[/b][@Izaka Sazaka][b]+[/b] [b]Frygga (Eothain) the Foehammer[/b] [color=39b54a]Turn taken (approach the church)[/color][/center]