[@Slendy][hider=Exam]Belle's right eyebrow twitched in irritation. "[color=green]You think that pretending to pay attention now is going to get me to repeat myself? Get real punk. But since you seem totally lost I'll give you a deal. If you give-up and let me hit ya without resisting, then I'll tell ya. Sound like a deal pipsqueak?[/color]" Belle asked abrasively as leaned back against the wall casually. But gawds did these freshmen get on her nerves sometimes.[/hider] [@TheUltimatum][hider=Exam]"[color=gray]You didn't come here for a fight? You come into my lair, somehow bypassing the traps I have set at the entrance, and you didn't come for a fight? I suppose you just came by for tea then? WERE YOU GOING TO INVITE YOUR 'STUDENT COUNCIL' ALONG? YOUR EXCUSE FOR BREAKING INTO MY LAIR IS A SCHOOL PROJECT TO PLEASE YOUR FATHER?![b] DEAR SATAN I DON'T THINK YOU COULD GET ANY MORE PATHETIC.[/b][/color]" The lich was furious now. He was being made a fool of it and he'd stand for it no longer. The Lich slammed the base of his weapon on the ground and a shield- no shield wasn't the right word for it. A slab of black material appeared in his other hand. The slab looked to be made of the same glassy black material as his axe and stood merely a foot shorter than the Lich himself and was 4 feet across. "[color=gray][b]AND WORSE YET YOU THINK SOME NO NAME ANGEL'S TOOLS CAN PROTECT YOU. BOY I'VE MADE PACTS WITH MONSTERS FAR WORSE THAN ANYTHING YOUR PUNY DEITY COULD THINK UP. I will [i]not[/i]. lose. to. you.[/b][/color]" The Lich said bluntly as he controlled himself and carefully punctuated each word. Now the Lich stood tall, his fearsome battle axe in one hand, and his tower-shield in the other, returning Apollo's fierce stare with malicious conviction. It seemed he was waiting for Apollo to attack.[/hider] [@floodtalon][hider=Exam] "[color=brown]Aw looks like ya got off easy this time[/color]." a voice echoed throughout the long hallway Chen found himself in with disappointment. Another selection of three doors, the same doors in fact, was around 50 meters away from him. Seemingly the only thing between him and the doors was the long, metal hallway that he had to travel through. Easy? Or too easy?[/hider]