[color=f7941d][center][h1]Arkan, Spriggan Capital[/h1][/center][/color] Arkan scanned the crowd, walking toward the front of the stage silently. When he reached the edge he snapped his fingers, creating the illusion of a microphone like one that would exist in the real world. He reached out and closed his hand around the illusion, being sure to have it follow the movement of his hand as he moved it toward his mouth. Finally he began to speak, his voice amplified not by the microphone but instead an enchantment on the Hall itself, [color=f7941d]"Hello, fellow Spriggans. I, as you all should know, am Arkan Light, ex-Beta Tester and Race Leader candidate. Just as my rival just before me stated, I want each and every one of you to make it to the real world. My plan differs from his in a few ways. I plan to attempt to unify all the races in an effort to complete the game together, if we can do this, EVERYBODY will survive, not just the six percent that are here. 'How will I do this?' you may ask. Well, I am already friends with several members of other races including some who plan to run for elections next time. If I am elected, I will lead an effort to storm all the raids with every player until everybody is high enough level. Then, we can take on The Grand Quest with sheer numbers. Of course, no plan is perfect, but if we all work together, nothing is impossible."[/color] Arkan left the crowd to consider what he had said for a few seconds, before walking slightly backward, [color=f7941d]"No one in this game deserves to die, join me to prevent all further death in this damned game."[/color] With that, Arkan held his illusion out and allowed it to fade, then returned to stand next to his rivals.