Apollo looked in Awe at the magnificent power of the Lich. Truly he was a foe not to be messed with. But seeing as how his strategy was working, it was fine. He had to find his source of power. I mean, Ephilates had told Apollo about Liches and a lot of them. But they weren't nearly as powerful as this. Apollo began to try and recall everything about Mythologies, Fantasies and Child-Stories, literally everything. He must have some kind of Relic, a Phylactery something, just something. Apollo sighed, Liches sure were irritating. He then looked at his Gauntlet and it was still on him. According to the school, he couldn't dies when this was on him. That gave him an Idea. [i]Keep irritating him Apollo..[/i] a voice said in his brain. It wasn't Ephilates which was strange. So who else could it have been? But nevertheless the voice was right, he had to make the Lich attack him, plus he still had his power, he could probably use that to his advantage. Apollo dropped his guard, but he was just luring the Lich in. [color=fff200]"Sigh... I've grown bored of this... Lich. Isn't this gauntlet proof that I'm not the one at fault here. Surely with your intellect you could see that... We have but one common enemy....The School that keeps invading in your private grounds. Do you honestly believe that I alone have enough strength to Bypass all this security, I mean come on you've seen me right? As you said I am Puny, yet I supposedly broke those firewalls, can you reason this?"[/color] Apollo said. Half of this was true though. Seriously, he wanted to have a word with the principal after the test was over...If he passed the test, which at the rate he was going was not likely. He looked at the Lich, he did feel a bit bad for the guy, I mean who would like to be interrupted while they're having their daily cup of tea.