[@thewizardguy][@Vocab][@Cuccoruler][@Kael Taiyou][@Eviledd1984][@Moonlit Sonata][@Lmpkio][@Yidhra] Kirby had his mouth open and on the floor the entire time everyone was talking. Still in shock from seeing the building come out of no where. Kirby then noticed the portal. If there was on thing Kirby loved it was action, and proving he was powerful. He got into a fighting stance, he still had the powers of Ryu in him. Kindle meanwhile had flown out of Kirbies mouth awhile ago. "I think Kirby would like to go fight." Kindle said looking at Kirby getting pumped for this. Before long he inhaled, then floated into the portal, he knew that portals sometimes ended up coming out into mid air, he wasn't about to be surprised by this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [@Absolis] [@Gummi Bunnies] Cia had come upon what looked to be a sort of laboratory. "This could be a good stage." Cia said smiling to herself. She took out her squirt gun and shot it forward much like a machine gun almost. It left a train of ink right into the lab. Cia turned into a squid and swam through her ink. As she got inside she found what seemed to be another squid. She got closer to the creature. Ink now right next to Ika's feet. Soon enough Cia jumped out of the ink still in squid form. In mid air she became a humanoid again. "You don't look like an inkling I've ever seen, what are you?" Cia asked, while also point her squirt gun at her.