[@Kael Taiyou][@Yidhra][@Flamelord][@Lmpkio][@Eviledd1984] [center][h2]Ryu & Lord Starkiller[/h2][/center] With the portal opened for the heroes to face the oncoming threat, Ryu went in with the rest who wanted to do battle, unaware of what lies beyond the rift between time and space... [hr] Starkiller seemed to be caught off guard as he began to crackle with electricity flowing through his viens. So this jedi is also a rare user of force lightning? How certainly interesting. Yet as it was able to slightly loosen his grip, he just barely holds up as he uses another trick up his sleeve of the force. With a grunt he raises his free hand, gripping his lightsaber, and uses tutaminis. This would ultimately absorb the force lightning that was fired from Ahsoka and eliminate its affects. With a surge of energy, he begins to tighten the grip immensely. [b]"THIS ENDS NOW JEDI!"[/b] he would boom as his grip gets tighter and tighter. However, before he would crush the jedi's windpipe, he was also surprised to see a portal open behind him. Who or what has even made this portal? Coincidence perhaps? But he was dead wrong. Coming out of the portal, several heroic beings come out, as if they were answering a distress signal. Starkiller would still grip Ahsoka as he turned around, still force choking/gripping Ahsoka as he looks at his new opponents. While he did see the Karate champion Ryu come out of the portal, along with Kirby and Akina, he did not seem to notice Lapis... at least immediately anyways. "What do you think your doing?" Ryu asks battle-ready as he gets in his signature stance. Starkiller would seem to be silent until force throwing Ahsoka into another concrete pillar hard. That should at least shut her up for awhile. Besides, he seems to be... "slightly" outnumbered, faced by fighters who happened to be after his head. Oh how they reminded him of the rebel scum he had to face back in his multiverse. His breathing began to slightly intensify as he sheathes his lightsaber. Was he surrendering? Was he giving up? He slowly pushes his hands outwards as the breathing began to continue. [b]"I ask the same."[/b] And with that, he unleashes a devastating volley of force lighting towards his nearby opponents! Ryu and the nearby others would get shocked as they would feel how shocking it would feel to get electrocuted. The Karate champion would yell in agony as he tries to concentrate on his Ki energy, trying to withstand the pain and get a surprise attack up, via a hadouken. The question is... will it succeed?