[@KatherinWinter] [color=bc8dbf]"Well, that's a pain. Not that breaking one leg would exactly stop me, but it would hurt. Only an idiot wouldn't admit to that."[/color] Olivan released a small puff of breath as he thought of an answer. Just because he thought that the class was a waste of time, didn't mean that he could exactly afford to fail out already. He had to at least participate a little to keep his standing until he could do something he liked better. [color=bc8dbf]"Well, if we assume that we can't get out of whatever events led to us breaking our bones, and therefore have to work with that no matter what, let's get more information. Can we use powers while on the ground? After the fact of having been injured, I mean? If so, then I imagine some would find it a simple matter to get to safety. For the rest, it's time for more crafty means."[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"...Of course, I imagine that we have to remain in a human form for this hypothetical activity. Because that's already a big enough loophole for some, I'm sure you've guessed."[/color]