Name: Evan Whitman Age: 17 [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Werewolf Form] [img][/img] [/hider] Gender: Male Sexuality: Homosexual though still in the closet Crush:None Personality: Evan is a somewhat shy and soft-spoken boy. He is nervous around new people and struggles with making new friends. Even to those that are his good friends, he still does not have a habit of speaking all that much. He never seems to open up to anyone nor does he ever let his guard down. He tends to simply take in everything that people say and seems to never get angry or upset. He is a great listener and is willing to offer advice to anyone who needs it. He prefers quiet solitude over a loud, wild party. He is often found with his notebook, either drawing or writing poems. Drawing and writing are use as his mode of escape and expression. He doesn't let anyone look in his notebook, no matter who they are. Bio: Evan was born and raised in Red Lake for his entire life. He lived with his mom as his dad left them before he could even remember. His mother did the best she could in raising him and Evan loved her more than anything. She struggled, working two part time jobs in attempt to support them. Evan also did all he could to help and never asked for much besides food, shelter, and her love. Evan's mother has always been a strict Catholic though, and when Evan had to admit that he was indeed gay, he hid it from her. He even had some girlfriends during his freshman and sophomore year to make sure that his mom wouldn't be suspicious. Unfortunately, no matter how much he tried to deny it, he was only attracted to other males. Misc Info: [color=ed1c24]I read the rules[/color]